Toenail Fungus Treatment - What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus and Yellow Toenails?

When dermatophytes, a type of fungus, invade the bed of your toenails through small cracks, blisters, or scrapes, it initiates toenail fungus. This fungus can be contracted by walking barefoot in warm and damp environments such as public showers and pools.

The fungus proliferates inside your nails, leading to a yellowish discoloration, which is usually the first indication of a fungal infection. If left untreated, the nails may become brittle and eventually become painful to the touch.

In the worst-case scenario, untreated toenail fungus can penetrate deep into the tissue layers of your nail, making it much harder to eradicate.

Internal factors contributing to toenail fungus

Besides external factors, the predominant cause of toenail fungus is the presence of fungal strains in the human body, and the toenails, skin, and blood provide a conducive environment for fungal growth.

Hence, exposure to the same environmental conditions does not necessarily result in toenail fungus for everyone, as it depends on individual factors.

Furthermore, when the body's metabolism is impaired, it can lead to the formation of defective toenails, thereby increasing the risk of fungal infection.

Have you recently noticed a yellowing of your toenails? Maybe you have a yellow streak on your nails, or perhaps there is some other form of discoloration.

Internal factors contributing to toenail fungus

Should I be Worried About Having Yellow Toenails?

Yellow toenails, along with nail discoloration ranging from white, green, brown or even black toenails, are usually caused by toenail fungus. The discoloration is caused by keratin debris lodged between the nail and the nail bed. If you have yellow toenails, white toenails, green/brown toenails, or black toenails, but no other symptoms, consider yourself lucky that you caught the infection before it had a chance to spread! Toenail fungus can cause serious damage to the nails. As the infection progresses, the nail will thicken, turn brittle/crumbly and eventually separate from the nail bed resulting in permanent damage. It may also emit a foul odor and can cause some serious pain.

I Don't Want Yellow Toenails! How Do I Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus?

The most important thing is that you don't let the fungus infection spread. If it spreads, having yellow toenails will be the last of your worries! You have 3 options for treatment: Home Remedies, Prescription Drugs, and Over-The-Counter Non Prescription Medication. Some work slowly, while some don't work at all. Some are very effective with no side effects, while others may also be effective but have serious negative side effects. Let's briefly examine the pros and cons of each treatment option.

Dip Your Feet in Apple Cider Vinegar and FORGET Toenail Fungus (video):

Foot Fungus Treatment at Home: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Home Remedies

For many people with yellow toenails caused by nail fungus, this is the first treatment option they turn to. With the internet, it's easy to find a toenail fungus "treatment" that you can apply with common household products. Some of the more common toenail fungus home remedies include vinegar, mouthwash, Vick's Vapor Rub, rubbing alcohol, and even oregano and olive oil. But do these methods work?

Based on our experience, we would say that no, toenail fungus home remedies do not work. In fact, they may cause more harm than good - the delay in seeking effective treatment may allow the toenail fungus to spread and take root, making it very difficult to get rid of and potentially causing permanent damage.

A Cure For Toenail Fungus - An Effective and Easy Natural Cure: 🔑 Foot Fungus Treatment at Home

Prescription Drug Treatments

There are two groups of prescription medications for nail fungus: topical drugs applied directly to the infection and oral medications. One of the most commonly prescribed topical drugs is Penlac, which is applied daily to the infected toenails. The major downfall to this product is that it takes several months to totally get rid of the fungus. It is also only effective for mild cases of toenail fungus. Side effects are relatively minor, and are usually limited to skin irritation and redness.

Some doctors prescribe oral drugs to combat nail fungus, which delivers the medicine through the bloodstream to the infected areas. Some of the more common choices are Lamisil and Sporanox. Treatment period is 12 weeks, but there can be some pretty nasty side effects. Common ones include severe stomachaches and headaches. Side effects can also include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, liver pain and liver damage and jaundice. Because of the severe side effects, we would suggest that these drugs not be used unless your case of toenail fungus is extremely advanced. If you just have yellow toenails and few other symptoms, we suggest you stick to the following option.

Over-the-Counter Non-Prescription Medications - Our Recommendation

This is the option we would suggest for most sufferers of nail fungus. We've found that the most effective over-the-counter medications contain natural anti-fungal oils. These treatments work most effectively to fight toenail fungus and yellow toenails when a two pronged treatment approach is used, including an oral spray that delivers medication to the bloodstream to weaken the fungus and a topical solution that applies an anti-fungal solution directly to the infected area.

One of the best over-the-counter medications - and the one we recommend to patients - is Kerassentials:

Solution table for Fight Fungus Resistance And Support Healthy Nails And Skin:
Pictures and Link 🔗
The reason why antifungals don’t work very well is because the fungus is mutating very fast due to how powerful the treatments we throw at it are.
Fight Fungus Resistance And Support Healthy Nails And Skin
A bespoke proprietary formula of 4 special high-quality oils, along with a powerful mix of 9 oils and minerals
The result: Perfect nails and skin, with the bad smell and itching completely gone forever!
Our formula is a unique blend that fungus has never been exposed to, killing it off for good and getting rid of any spores that might remain behind.
Maintain the health of your nails and skin with this revolutionary treatment.

Treat the root cause of nail fungus by returning the body to its natural state:

Modern acupuncture aims to activate Qi in the body's meridian system, in order to bring the body to an energetic state. Below are illustrations and more information about this program:

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👉 It’s called Acu-Frequency TM

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ACU-FREQUENCY   ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰* ✰*

When you combine the two, you get the best over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment.


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